Study Schedule
Davidic Dance
Bible Study Questions & Answers
Torah Study
See Details Below
Biblical Living
Where: 601 North Oak
When: Wed Evening 6:00—7:00
Purpose: To cultivate a more intimate relationship with Adonai through living by His instructions, both specified and implied.
Who: Anyone interested in learning to apply biblical principals to their daily life.
Facilitator: Johnny Marrs
Click link below to email Johnny for more info:
E-mail Johnny...
Congregational Davidic Dance
Where: 601 North Oak
When: Thursday 1:00—2:30
Purpose: When YHVH touches our hearts and fills us with His Holy Spirit, who can sit still? Do your eyes well up with tears of joy? Do your knees become weak? Worshipping Him with the dance is a physical manifestation of a spiritual phenomenon; an outward expression of the joy, thanksgiving and praise that He has given us for the purpose of glorifying Him and honoring His Holy Name.
Who: Anyone interested in learning Davidic Congregational Dance.
Click link below to email Cheryl for more info:
E-mail Cheryl…
Torah Study
Where: 601 North Oak
When: Sat Afternoon 12:30
Purpose: To study and discuss the weekly Torah portion to gain understanding which leads to growth and purity through the keeping of YHVH’s Commandments.
Who: Anyone interested in hearing the Word of YHVH and willing to heed it.
Click link below to email Johnny for more info:
E-mail Johnny…